Katherine Nichols Newsletter

Dear Friends, Readers, and Writers,

Like most people, my life can be divided into chapters. Student, Copywriter, Teacher, Mom, Writer, Grandmother, and Published Author (The Sometime Sister and The Unreliables). And now, I'm a marketer, which is my least favorite.

To make it more fun, I've started a newsletter. I want to share writing tips, reading recommendations, special events, and common experiences. Don't worry. I won't drive you crazy. I'll check in once or twice a month. If that's too annoying, please unsubscribe. It won't hurt my feelings.

Check out my June edition.

My younger daughter just had her first baby, my fifth grandchild, so it’s no surprise my first newsletter is about new beginnings. I watched my incredible child struggle for hours to bring him into the world and got to be there when he arrived, screaming like an angry cat but so beautiful.

People—probably male authors—have compared writing a novel to giving birth. Well, I can assure you, it’s not. Neither are the emotions after the launches.

Releasing a novel into the world can be frightening. But once it’s out there, all an author can do is hope people will read it and like it, at least a little.

Bringing a baby into the world is terrifying because parents and grandparents realize the work has only begun. We don’t know which random act of kindness or cruelty will leave a mark. Or whose words will uplift or discourage.

We can only pray our actions and statements of love will instill enough confidence and joy to help our child on his journey.

As a writer, I understand the power of words. I know how to edit them before sharing with my readers. As a grandmother, I hope to practice self-editing before speaking, so nothing I say will bring doubt or pain to any of my beautiful grandchildren.

Here’s to new beginnings.


Katherine Nichols

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Special Event
Sisters in Crime Atlanta and Wild Women Who Write Sunday, June 26 from 4-6 at Tucker Brewing Company for Beer and Books. Celebrate local authors and meet with friends.

Book Recommendations
The Lincoln Highway, Amor Towles
The Maid, Nita Prose

Katherine Nichols, writer of suspenseful women's fiction

I want to share writing tips, reading recommendations, author events, and random, interesting info. More important, I'd love to hear what you're reading, thinking, and doing.

Read more from Katherine Nichols, writer of suspenseful women's fiction

Dear Friends, Readers, Writers, and Christmas Shoppers, At a loss for gifts for family and friends? Support your local authors and buy books. This Saturday from 10:00 to 3:00 I'll be at Snellville's Winter Wonderland Craft and Art Festival along with authors Marlene Ratledge Buchanan, Lori Duff, and Lynn Hesse. Snellville Plaza Shopping Center2485 Main StreetSnellville, Ga., 30078 If you can't make the festival, we're all on Amazon. Sincerely,Katherine Nichols Katherine Nichols AuthorThe...

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